The quarterly meeting took place in the Recreation Center on April 25. Update on crime and other matters in Glen Park Captain Hart had just come from a fire safety meeting in Diamond Heights and had some helpful information to share. There are two separate access points to Glen Canyon Park. The official address is […]
Previous Posts
Glen Park Recreation Center: All clean!
It’s the Tuesday morning after the Saturday night that the Recreation Center was vandalized by tagging (see post of Monday, May 6). The site has been almost completely cleaned up! The sculpture is still in process. The Recreation and Park Department has done a great and speedy job! UPDATE: Tamara Barak Aparton of Rec and […]
UPDATE: Developing story: Vandals *Majorly* Tag Glen Park Recreation Center
S Sunday morning there was a shocking sight at the Glen Park Recreation Center. Vandals had done extensive tagging to the facade, the outdoor sculpture and stairs. They’d spray-painted the security cameras as well. A passerby walking his dog in the park at around 11:30 Saturday night posted on Nextdoor that he saw around 15 […]
Greenway Updates Spring 2019
We had a very productive and entertaining morning on the Greenway on Saturday May 4, 2019. The weather turned out to be ideal for our outdoor activity. Many thanks to the wonderfully enthusiastic gardeners who were able to join us, especially the first-timers in our group: Kiera, Elinor, Dave and Brook Ray. It was great […]
City Agency Hearings – City College edition!
On Friday, the BOS will hear about the cuts to City College classes, which seems like it could be heated. For disappointment, turn to the MUNI Forward report to the SFMTA Board of Directors Tuesay. No improvements to the J any time soon, alas. Finally, the Supes are proposing half of all future Education Revenue […]
DHB Median Cleanup – May 4
Please join us this Saturday to clear and polish our median islands following the substantial winter rains. Date: Saturday, May 4 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Location: Meet at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 101 Gold Mine Dr, Parish Hall (Lower Level) Refreshments: Morning snacks Lunch: We will serve a hot lunch afterward to say thank you RSVP to so […]
Destination Bakery’s Deb Lunsford Delights
Deb has a destination. For 16 years Deb Lunsford has mounted her Raleigh bicycle and peddled to Destination Bakery from her Bernal Heights home. She crosses Mission Street, picks up Arlington Street, takes a right on Natick, then a left on Chenery and arrives at Destination five days a week before the sun comes up. […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Scenes from the Glen Park Festival, April 28, 2019
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Photos by Bonnee Waldstein The Glen Park Association meets, greets, and signs up lots of new members! Shameless plug! Join or renew your Glen Park Association membership here. The Glen Park […]
City Agency Hearings
Only one GP-related item this week, but plenty of interest overall: navigation centers for every district proposed; a regional housing report and one on Jump bikes. Read on: The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, April 29, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The following legislation is submitted under the […]
City Agency Hearings — Package Theft Edition!
Some of the most interesting items this week are down under Mandelman Legislation: a proposed pilot program to provide parking for the “vehicular homeless;” a proposal to allow certain non-profits the “first right to purchase” multi-unit buildings, and a hearing on package theft and home burglaries on Friday. Enjoy! The BOS Rules Committee will […]