The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, July 22, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, July 22, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda Legislation requiring a Conditional Use application to create employee cafeterias again, streamlining codes to help small businesses, and […]
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Mark your calendar for a Deb Lunsford Benefit! Destination Bakery’s goodwill ambassador!
Bird & Beckett, 653 Chenery Street, SF July 26, 2019 – 5:30-8:00pm If you can’t make it in person you can donate online! Go to All proceeds go to Deb! –Glen Park Neighborhood Icon –Weekday Mornings Counter Gal at Destination Bakery, at the corner of Chenery & Castro –Friend and co-conspirator with all small […]
Come hear the latest! Glen Park Association quarterly meeting
Glen Park Association Summer Meeting Thursday, July 25, 7pm Glen Park Recreation Center, Elk at Chenery Agenda 7:00: Call to Order Speakers Supervisor Mandelman Kern Alley – SFMTA, SFPW Autonomous vehicles – SFMTA, SFCTA, Cruise (GM) 8:45: Adjournment
City Agency Hearings on Vacation
Your faithful correspondent is out of town this week and can’t look at all the agendas. Instead, I’ll forward this from SFMTA: As you may be aware, the SFMTA Board of Directors is preparing a search for a new Director of Transportation to lead the SFMTA. Given the importance of transportation in SF, our […]
Feedback Wanted: Bikeshare Station
Lyft has begun outreach regarding a third bikeshare station proposed for Glen Park (reported on in the summer issue of the Glen Park News). Please see Lyft’s flyer here: V21 Multi-purpose Flyer Arlington Garden and address your feedback to As of mid-May when I last spoke to the company, they think there will be a […]
UNN meeting July 17
Upper Noe Neighbors Community Meeting Wednesday, July 17 7 – 8:30 pm Upper Noe Recreation Center 295 Day Street Mark your calendars – Join your neighbors in lively discussion of neighborhood and city-wide issues. J Church Improvement Project #uppernoe Refreshments and networking at 7. Program follows shortly thereafter. Agenda: * J Church Improvement Project – […]
DHB Median Cleanup July 13
Please join us Saturday, July 13 to collect trash and weed our median islands. We will continue to remove the foxtail grass, a particular vexation for neighborhood dogs and their owners. If you’re unable to join our volunteer work day in person but would like to show your support, please consider making a financial contribution here. Our […]
City Agency Hearings
The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, July 8, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, July 8, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The Transportation Authority Board will meet Tuesday, July 9, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda and […]
City Agency Hearings – FIreworks Edition
Only one meeting that I could find, but don’t forget to join your friends and neighbors at the Arlington Cut Clean Up tomorrow (Saturday, June 29), from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet at Roanoke and Arlington, ready to fight the fennel! Take a break and listen to Friends of the Urban Forest’s proposal to put […]
City Agency Hearings – Deadly (not) Streets edition!
There are all kinds of transportation and safe streets information this week, with links to presentations when available. And the Planning Commission will once again consider perennial favorite 95 Nordhoff, which remains in its many-year limbo. Enjoy! The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Monday, June 24, 9 a.m., in City Hall, room 400. […]