“Dollars for Deb” Eric Whittington billed the fund-raiser. Whittington, proprietor of Bird & Beckett, has thrown rent parties with live jazz before, to help keep his independent bookstore open for another month. But over the summer, he threw a rent party for Destination Bakery’s Deb Lunsford, a neighborhood favorite who’s recovering from surgery. Bakery regulars […]
Previous Posts
Christopher Park Construction Alert
The long-awaited renovations for George Christopher Playground will start late September or early October. Please see the construction alert below that describes the project including what part of the park will be closed. Construction is estimated to last until October 2020. The DHCA thanks Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, former Supervisor Jeff Sheehy, and Senator Scott Wiener for their […]
City Agency Hearings – Guns ‘n Ammo Edition!
The SFMTA Board of Directors Search Committee for a Director will meet Tuesday, September 3, 11 a.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th fl. See agenda and supporting documents here. The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, September 3, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See agenda and supporting documents here. The […]
City Agency Hearings – tree removal edition!
The Board of Supervisors is on break through September 2. Department of Public Works will hold a tree removal hearing Monday, August 26, 5:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 416. Agenda Order No. 201744: To consider the removal of two (2) street trees with replacement adjacent to 5407 Diamond Heights Blvd. Staff has denied the […]
The Glen Park News website is 10 years old!
The first online edition of the Glen Park News appeared in August 2009. The staff of the website is marking the occasion with a special trip down the memory lane of our archives. We’ve chosen some stories to have an encore here. We’ll be posting them for the next few months. Look for the cheery […]
City Agency Hearings – Mural Edition!
The SF Board of Supervisors is on break until September 2, but the Historic Preservation Commission is jumping into the fray over the mural at Washington High School by starting landmark designation for the school. If you’ve missed the battle over the mural there, you’ve missed an interesting conversation about race and censorship. The SFMTA […]
Candidates for District Attorney forum: Save the date
The DHCA is delighted that all four candidates running for District Attorney on Nov. 5 will present at a community meeting on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2 – 4 pm at St. Aidan’s Church. Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will give an update on neighborhood issues. The DA candidates are Chesa Boudin, Leif Dautch, Suzy Loftus and Nancy Tung.
We’re swimming in change in San Francisco
San Francisco is constantly reinventing itself. Gold Rush seekers giving way to Comstock silver barons. Merchantman brigs surrendering to coal powered steamships, then complemented by coal-powered railroads. The latter engineered by entrepreneurs with names such as Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins and Crocker. Which got me thinking about how, less than a century later, the outer Sunset […]
City Agency Hearings
The Board of Supervisors are on summer break. The SFMTA Operations and Customer Service Committee will meet Tuesday, August 13, 3:30 p.m., at 1 S. Van Ness Ave., 7th fl. Agenda and supporting docs The SFMTA Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, August 13, 6 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. Agenda The SFMTA […]
Notes on the summer Glen Park Association meeting
There seemed to be a lot of new faces at the meeting at the Rec Center on July 25. Maybe they wanted to hear and speak to Supervisor Mandelman, or find out the latest in the Kern alley saga, or broaden their vision of the future with the presentation on autonomous vehicles in San […]