Photos by Michael Waldstein The quarterly meeting had a great turnout – folks were anxious to hear from several local leaders who came to give updates and hear about neighborhood concerns. First up– Introducing Ingleside Captain Christopher Woon: Captain Chris Woon made his first appearance since assuming his position at the Ingleside Station. Born and […]
Previous Posts
Planting woodland strawberries with the City’s “Most Empowering Employee”
On January 8, five members of Friends of Glen Canyon Park worked in Glen Canyon planting varieties of California native plants. Supervised by Dylan Hayes, a Recreation and Park’s Natural Resource Division natural resource specialist, the volunteers placed woodland strawberry, Douglas iris and pink flowering currant on either side of a split rail fence bordering […]
For the first time ever, a Summer Tanager appears in Glen Park, attracting flocks of bird watchers
Glen Canyon was aflutter early Wednesday morning, January 22nd. A flock of bird watchers descended on the 70-acre natural area, armed with cameras boasting the latest high-powered lenses. They stood, even sat, beneath the eucalyptus tree that houses Great horned owls each year, trained their cameras on another gum tree rooted on the bank of […]
A trip to Cambodia, less than a mile away!
Thanks to Nextdoor we’ve been apprised that a wonderful local restaurant is struggling and needs your patronage and support. It’s Angkor Borei, at 3471 Mission near Cortland, a short hop across the Bernal Cut for us Glen Parkers. Rather than reiterate its virtues as a modest eatery with great fresh cuisine, served by the most […]
SF Assessor-Recorders Office announces workshops on property taxes
From Assessor Carmen Chu’s January 2020 Community Newsletter: “Providing financial education for all families will continue to be one of my top priorities. In addition to our annual signature event, the Family Wealth Forum, in May, we have partnered with the San Francisco Public Library to conduct a series of neighborhood workshops to help bring valuable information […]
UNN: J Church Update
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will update neighbors on the J Church Improvement Project at the Upper Noe Neighbors meeting January 15, 7 pm, at Upper Noe Recreation Center, 295 Day Street. Significant proposals include: removing the inbound stop at 30th and Church, adding a traffic light at Cesar Chavez, and removing parking, […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg Jan 23
Join your friends and neighbors for the Glen Park Association Quarterly Winter Meeting on January 23, 2020, 7 to 8:45 p.m., at the Glen Park Recreation Center off of Elk Street. This time we meet in the larger room. Call it what you will: the room with the fireplace, the auditorium, the room with the […]
Farewell letter from Facility Coordinator of Glen Park Rec Center
Dear Glen Park Community, As of Jan 24th, I am being reassigned from Glen Park Recreation Center to Richmond Recreation Center. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the past 10 years that I have been stationed at Glen Park Recreation Center and been part of this amazing community. Working […]
Greenway Work Party Jan 18
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Here’s a reminder that our next work party will be on Saturday January 18, 2020. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac beside 88 Chilton Ave. We’ll stop at 12:00 – we’ll provide […]
The new P’tit Laurent, same as the old
Photos: Bonnee Waldstein It was a soft grand opening of Le P’tit Laurent, under the new ownership of local restauranteur Manhal Jweinat. It was a low key affair. Despite the plan to reopen the restaurant tonight, as of this afternoon, there was no sign in the window and the shades were tightly shut. But those […]