The next time you catch the 44 O’Shaughnessy — which is one of only 16 buses still operating in San Francisco during the coronavirus crisis — at Malta Drive you might want to stop and smell the flowers along the way. Denise Louie — who resides only a hop-skip-and-a-jump from the boulevard that serpentines from […]
Previous Posts
Glen Park Responds to COVID Crisis
Dear Readers, This story is from the front page of the Spring 2020 Glen Park News. Due to COVID-19, there will not be a printed edition of the Spring 2020 News. We will be highlighting articles from the paper over the coming weeks, and you can read the full paper online here. -Glen Park News Editors […]
From the Editors of the Print Edition of the Glen Park News
Unprecedented. We hear that word a lot in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The unprecedented shutdown of businesses. The unprecedented closure of schools. The unprecedented forced distancing of neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members and other loved ones. The unprecedented quick spike in unemployment and free-fall of the stock market. The unprecedented run on toilet […]
Resource list for help during COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place
Here are resources to help in our current world-wide crisis. The resources are gathered from various sources including information from Senator Scott Wiener, Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, the City of San Francisco and other sources. There is a section entitled – Businesses and Services in Diamond Heights open during Shelter-in-place. Click the following link for Resource […]
(Virtual) Live Music at Bird & Beckett Friday!
Catch Eric Shifrin’s solo piano gig at Bird & Beckett Books this Friday, April 3, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. by way of Facebook! Click here to go there in one simple step, or go to Facebook, search for “bird & beckett books,” click on “videos” – scroll down a bit and watch for the […]
Close to home: The new normal of food shopping
Photos by Bonnee Waldstein Food shopping, along with the rest of life, is beginning to change from a surreal experience, to the new normal. Shoppers are smiling at each other and the Canyon Market staff, not sure if their expressions can be read beyond their face masks. Janet Tarlov keeps the traffic moving safely Everyone […]
We’re all in this together — a message from Sen. Wiener
Senator Wiener has some reflections and helpful advice on taking care of your mental health during this time of social distancing. Read the newsletter here
D8 Newsletter – COVID 19 Update (March 26)
Here’s the latest update from Supervisor Mandelman. Read the newsletter here.
Close to home: Glen Canyon Park
(Editor’s note: Are you a photographer, poet, or essayist — or have you become one in the last couple of weeks? Our neighborhood website would like to provide a creative outlet for you! Send submissions to We will publish your photos and observations about life in the age of Coronavirus, subject to editorial review. This […]
Glen Park is open for (essential) business
Glen Park looks deserted these days. Still, many essential services are available. Best to stay as close to home as possible, avoid the crowds, and support our local merchants. Below is a list of businesses in Glen Park that are open and their current hours of operation. Will be updated as we get new information. […]