Ross Mantle for the New York Times Back in the early days of the pandemic, it still seemed possible to carry out plans for activities and travels that had taken months of meticulous planning and eager anticipation. That was the case in a story in the Glen Park News of Spring 2020, p.11. A […]
Previous Posts
Captain Woon addresses sideshows
There has been a lot of concern expressed online about recent sideshow activity in San Francisco. Oftentimes residents are aware of the noise coming from somewhere but are not sure of the location. The Glen Park Association safety committee reached out to Captain Woon about this after an event over the weekend. He also addressed […]
Congestion Pricing Survey
Could Congestion Pricing Improve SF’s Transportation Future? The Transportation Authority is exploring how a fee to drive downtown during busy hours could help get traffic moving, increase safety, clean the air, and advance equity once the economy recovers. We invite you to learn more and provide feedback: → Play Unclog Fog City, a digital game […]
44 Bus Returns to Full Service
Beginning Saturday, August 22, several targeted bus routes will be restored or extended and frequencies improved on some routes to continue to support essential trips and physical distancing. Temporary modified Muni Metro service will also be returning. These include: 44 O’Shaughnessy: Full route restored between Hunters Point and California/6th Avenue J Church: Surface-only route between […]
Geoffrey Gallegos: Glen Park’s 7 o’clock trumpet serenader
If you’ve stopped in Glen Park at 7 pm and heard the haunting strains of a trumpet and wondered where they came from, it’s Geoffrey Gallegos playing on his front steps over on Congo Street. He’s been playing almost every night since early April to honor essential workers — teachers, grocery clerks, public transit […]
Crime Update in Diamond Heights and Glen Park
Gunfire Tuesday, August 11, at around 11:20 pm, gunfire coming from cars was heard in two locations. Ingleside Capt. Chris Woon has requested videos that may have captured the gunfire and cars. Call Capt. Woon at 415-404-4040 with any information and/or videos.The locations: Diamond Heights Blvd. at the intersection of Addison/Gold Mine Elk at the […]
Glen Park Greenway Meeting Video
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway. Many thanks to those of you who joined our virtual meeting yesterday evening to discuss the Trail Improvement Project. Here is a link to the recording of the meeting. I will delete this recording in about one month: Password: k$4@M3.i Unfortunately I forgot to start the recording […]
D8 Supe Newsletter
Click here for the more readable web version. D8 Newsletter – August 2020 Kicking off the AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference by hanging panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt from the Mayor’s Balcony at City Hall on July 6th. The tradition of hanging panels from the balcony dates back to the early days of the […]
Local gym ready to open — but when will it?
In a pandemic, when it comes to working out in a gym to stay fit or practicing yoga in a studio, we’re on our own. Glen Park has been lucky to have had several options close by. For example, there’s Synced Pilates on Chenery Street; Sunrise Health and Fitness, also on Chenery Street; and Sol […]
Bernal Cut Newsletter
GP blog editor’s note: some day we will figure out how to post this newsletter so it looks as lovely as it does when it arrives in an email inbox. Until then just note that the wonky formatting is from the transfer of information and not by design. ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST 2020 RESUME THE SUNDAY […]