AZTEC WARRIOR by Jean Conner, 1990 150 works, some from the private collection of Sussex Street resident Jean Conner and many never exhibited before, illustrate the artists’ intertwined interests in mysticism, religion, social and cultural norms, the natural world and the human body. This exhibition surveys the practices of two remarkable late 20th […]
Previous Posts
GPA Quarterly Meeting Jan. 28
You’re invited to the virtual Glen Park Association Winter Meeting! Thursday, January 28, 2021, 7:00 pm Participation via Zoom – Register here for the link. Agenda Glen Park Association officer election You must be a Glen Park Association member to vote. Candidate slate: President: Hilary Schiraldi Vice President: Heather World Treasurer: Dennis Mullen Communications secretary: […]
Your daily moment of Zen – A beautiful Glen Park sunrise
As photographer Marian Dalere of Dalaere’s Beauty Salon put it, “so pretty … for garbage day.”
SFMTA annual report 2020
Unsurprisingly, the year-in-SF-transit, 2020, has been a bleak one. Ridership has fallen off the cliff, and service cuts and mass layoffs are anticipated. Steep budget cuts will hobble the agency’s ability to recover from the effects wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic. Benchmarks such as the City Chartered mandate for 85% on time Muni performance have […]
All politics begin locally: A tutorial
How does California actually get candidates who run for elections and who, when elected, will affect our daily lives in profound ways? It’s both a democratic and a sausage-making process. But there’s a way we can impact the election process at the local level. Here is an example of how both major parties, Democrats […]
Winter 2020 Glen Park News Online
The Winter 2020 edition of the Glen Park News is ready for your digital reading pleasure! Log-on for your socially distanced, COVID-safe reading on: Bus-only lanes coming to Glen Park The latest news on the Detroit Street Steps and mural project, and Updates from Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and the Glen Park School PTO As with […]
Follow up on murder of Leo Hainzl
As 2020 draws to a close, and none too soon, you will remember another horrible event of the year–the murder of 94-year old Glen Park resident, Leo Hainzl, as he walked his dog outside Glen Canyon Park on Memorial Day morning. The alleged perpetrator is Peter Rocha, a homeless man who frequented the neighborhood and […]
The J Train is Back!
Woo hoo! But remember — the J now ends at Church and Duboce. Click here to learn more
Picture this: The Detroit Street steps with amazing tile work
The Detroit Steps Project continues making giant strides. Launched on November 3, 2018, the multi-year and multi-phase community-led beautification project, with an objective of fashioning 186 stairs with either mosaic or colored tiles, has taken another significant step towards its goal with the inauguration of the “2020 Drawing Contest.” “The contest is to derive imaginative […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg Jan 28
Glen Park Association Winter Meeting January 28, 2021, 7 to 9 p.m. Location: Zoom Meeting ID: 842 4961 2175 Passcode: 843562 Proposed Agenda: Officer elections (slate to come in January meeting reminder — please renew to vote!) Update from District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman Department of Public Health to discuss vaccine rollout in SF (unconfirmed) […]