Zoanne Nordstrom spoke in favor of the Rec Center renovation. She was one of the Gumtree Ladies in the 1970s who stopped the City from building a freeway through Glen Canyon. Glen Park News, 1/14/2013. Photo by Michael Waldstein. Zoanne Nordstrom, known to all in Glen Park for her warmth, humor, good deeds and activism, […]
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District 8 Liaison gives update on Leo Hainzl murder case
For details on the murder of Glen Park resident Leo Hainzl last Memorial Day morning, see: Glen Park Mourns Lost Neighborhood Fixture Follow up on murder of Leo Hainzl The Glen Park Association has received a further update on this case from Assistant District Attorney Brian Bringardner. In addition to being a prosecutor, Bringardner has […]
Two (2) golden opportunities for beautification!
Let’s get the Greenway ready for Spring! Join us to set up our trees and shrubs for a successful spring and summer by pulling up and cutting back the plants that would otherwise overwhelm them and compete for the sunlight and water that they need to thrive. The Work Party will have two sessions: 9:00am […]
Eco SF Farm — Flora and fauna in a peaceful place nearby
This YouTube video was created by Serge Preobrazhensky, a student at CCSF. He filmed it at the farm located at the grounds of Academy High/Ruth Asawa School of the Arts. Glen Park Association member, Glen Park News reporter, and frequent visitor to the Eco SF Farm, Murray Schneider, has forwarded the video from Serge. Think […]
St. John’s 2021 Crab & Go
St. John’s 2021 Crab & Go and optional Trivia Night After Party! Introducing Crab & Go! Join us March 6th for take-out extraordinaire and savor your crab feast in the comfort of your own home! Order your dinner today and reserve a pickup time between 4:30 and 7:30pm for your March 6th simple drive-through pickup […]
San Francisco Supervisor Proposes More Housing, Fewer Monster Homes in Residential Neighborhoods
San Francisco Supervisor Rafael Mandelman announces legislation to allow fourplexes on corner lots and near major transit stations and curb luxury home conversions SAN FRANCISCO — Today District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman announced a pair of legislative efforts to allow fourplexes in residential neighborhoods near transit stations and on corner lots throughout the […]
Two days after election, new Glen Park Association president hits front page of SF Chronicle
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and SF Chronicle columnist Heather Knight recently paid an unscheduled visit to Hilary and Mike Schiraldi. Hilary is the new president of the Glen Park Association and Mike is a longtime housing activist. Supervisor Mandelman is sponsoring legislation to limit the size of “monster homes” and allow fourplex housing close to transit […]
Amos Goldbaum Mural in GP
One of San Francisco muralist Amos Goldbaum’s signature line drawings may soon grace the exterior of Pebbles Cafe, thanks to the efforts of Bernal Glen resident Amanda Martin. “This is a project that I have been dreaming about for a very long time,” Martin said. “After many false starts, it looks like we have a […]
Sunday afternoon drive-by shooting at Chenery and Brompton leaves young man injured
Sunday afternoon saw the second drive-by shooting in two months in Glen Park, leaving a young man in stable condition at San Francisco General Hospital and the Glen Park neighborhood shaken. It began at approximately 4:40 p.m. on Sunday when a 25-year-old man dropped his mother off for work on Bosworth street and then turned […]
Glen Park through the eyes of a 60-year resident – cardboard sledding where the freeway now stands
As we near the one-year anniversary of pandemic quarantines, lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, many of us have come to know what lies out our own front doors better. We’ve gone for walks close to home, hoofed it to stores we might once have driven to and generally focused on local neighborhoods. But however deeply we […]