“Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the country,” Paul Johnson told the Glen Park News on March 19. Johnson, who has resided on Detroit Street for three years, emigrated to United States seven years ago from Pershore, England, a small town near Bristol. He founded and operates Lemonaid Health, an online health provider that […]
Previous Posts
Calling all wannabe Glen Park News carriers
The Glen Park News needs volunteers to deliver its quarterly newspaper, which resumes hard copy publication with the Spring issue. The effort involves delivery to a specified route four times a year and no more than 45-60 minutes to deliver the Glen Park News to the stoops of Glen Park neighbors. The next issue is scheduled […]
Neighbors still say Hi in Village of Glen Park
If you think this headline was written today, think again. Think about over twenty years ago, May 26, 2000, when this was the headline in SF Gate, followed by a rundown of the people and places that make our neighborhood cozy and warm. After you read the SF Gate story, look at the “footnotes” that […]
Madison Hatfield: The artist behind the Glen Park Strong signs
One in an occasional series on people who live or work in Glen Park. “I needed a broom,” Madison Hatfield told the Glen Park News while sipping a latte at Higher Grounds on March 6. Hatfield, 22, arrived in the Bay Area in 2016 and began scouting San Francisco neighborhoods for a job when she began […]
Specific Donations for the Unhoused Accepted on Saturday, March 20, 1:00 3:00 pm at the Diamond Heights Shopping Center Parking Lot
Message from Nelson Barry, Founder & President, Urban Angels SF, Diamond Heights Shopping Center: WILL YOU HELP??? Support a new and wonderful joint program between the Buddhist Church of San Francisco and Urban Angels SF to collect supplies for the unhoused. PLEASE COME AND DONATE ALSO SPREAD THE WORD TO YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS AND COMMUNITIES (FAITH-BASED AND […]
Tulip and Daffodil Bulb Planting
Please join Friends of The Glen Park Greenway for a tulip and daffodil bulb planting. Masks and social distancing will be required for planting volunteers. All ages welcome! Saturday March 20 10am – 2pm Sunday March 21 10am – 2pm Glen Park Greenway (Behind St. John’s School)
Greenway Trail Work & Info Mtg
The Glen Park Greenway has received funding to improve the segments of trail between Brompton Avenue and Chilton Avenue and has retained a contractor to begin work in early May. Construction on a small segment of the trail between Chilton Avenue and Burnside Avenue might also occur. This work will result in closure of the […]
Clean the Cut 3/20
THIRD SATURDAY: CLEAN UP | GREEN UP DAY: MARCH 20, 2021 Grab your gloves (or get some from Public Works) and join your neighbors for our monthly Bernal Cut cleanup! Organized by the College Hill Neighborhood Association, the Bernal Cut Cleanup spans both paths above San Jose Avenue. They organize the bags, the gloves, the pickers, […]
Despite COVID, Glen Park Festival makes $5,500 in community donations
The last Sunday in April would have marked the 22nd Glen Park Festival. But, as it probably goes without saying, this annual event has been deferred again this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While we must wait for another season to be together again to celebrate our neighborhood, the Glen Park Festival’s neighborhood grant […]
Welcome, new Ingleside Station captain
As we transition into March, we find ourselves in a state of change here at Ingleside Station as well. As many of our readers are aware, district station captains are rotated throughout different assignments in our department, with both newly-promoted and tenured captains being transferred to new assignments. With that said, please join us in […]