Delayed for two months due to supply chain issues, work on the Glen Park Greenway trail is finally scheduled to begin Monday, June 14. The trail will be improved between Brompton and Chilton avenues, which means the Greenway for those two blocks will be closed for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Trail access from Burnside Avenue […]
Previous Posts
The Greenway oak woodland is growing! Goodbye wire cages
The California oak woodland on the Glen Park Greenway is reaching new heights and the time has come for most of the young trees to be freed from their protective wire cages. Each year, mainly during the month of March, coast live oaks like the ones planted along the Greenway put on a growth spurt. […]
Ohlone Way mural draws viewers from near and wide
What a coincidence: On Sunday, May 16, some curious folks met by chance to see the new mural, “This is Ohlone Land,” on the 200 block of Surrey Street. Turned out they were all connected in some way to the Glen Park Association or the Glen Park News. Left to right: Rachel Gordon, editor, Glen […]
New $110,000 grant will help spiff up the Detroit Steps
On April 20, the Detroit Steps Project (DSP) got a well-deserved step up. It became one of 28 recipients of the Community Challenge Grant Program (CCG), a division of the City Administrator’s office that funds worthy neighborhood projects. The Sunnyside multi-phased community-led endeavor to improve and beautify the 186 Detroit Steps with landscaping and […]
Man with gun robs woman on 600 block of Chenery Sunday afternoon
A woman was held up at gunpoint on the 600 block of Chenery Street on Sunday afternoon at around 3:00, said Capt. Nicole Jones, captain of Ingleside station. The victim was a 25-year-old Asian woman whose purse, wallet and cell phone were stolen, according to the police report. The man brandished a handgun at both […]
Our beautiful piece of San Francisco
I was walking up to Twin Peaks from Bernal Heights and came across The Little Red Hen Community Garden last Tuesday at 7pm. Their friendly set up really caught my attention, the flowers were so bright and beautiful, and the sense of community was really warming. Then the fog was rolling quite fast that evening […]
Storyteller and activist bridges two communities
(Photos by Bonnee Waldstein except where noted.) “At 23, I was like, how do you get into the film business and make a living? So I asked a documentary filmmaker friend. She said, if you don’t have a trust fund, go get another job and you can make films if you want to.” Sophie Constantinou, […]
Muni 36/52 Special Route Starts May 15th
This notice will confirm the final route and details for the combined 36/52 loop that will start service on Saturday, May 15th. The loop will run in both directions with 30 minute headways between buses, between 10:00 – 6:00 pm. The buses will also run from 8:00 – 10:00 am and 6:00 – 8:30 pm […]
Bernal Cut Cleanup May 15
SATURDAY May 15 WORKDAY May 15th 10am-12pm Bernal Cut Workday West Side Meetup at Natick and Arlington East Side Meetup at Mission and Park with Ross leading the clean up DPW has a new Covid workday policy asking volunteers to sign waivers: At least 1 volunteer per household must fill out the Event Waiver here. THE […]
The best-selling Glen Park author you’ve probably never heard of
Glen Park’s Chandra Ghosh Ippen is a best-selling author whose books parents hope their child will never need to read. But if they do, they’ll be a huge help. Take Once I Was Very Very Scared, which has sold over 50,000 copies and been downloaded over 100,000 times. In it, animals share with each other […]