Photos: Bonnee Waldstein Hello Friend and Supporter of the Glen Park Greenway, Please join us on Thursday August 5 at 11 a.m. as we celebrate the completion of the Greenway Trail Improvement Project, a milestone of progress in the Greenway project. We’ll meet on the Greenway near the intersection of Brompton Avenue and Bosworth Street. […]
Previous Posts
(Hi)stories of Our Neighborhoods
The intersection of Diamond and Chenery Streets today is in the very heart of Glen Park. While it may seem no different than most intersections throughout San Francisco, if we peel back the years, we can discover its fascinating history. Before European, Russian, and possibly Asian explorers landed at San Francisco Bay, the prehistory of […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, August 7
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday, August 7, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email and let me know no later than Tuesday August 3. Here’s a description of the […]
Ingleside Precinct Newsletter
Hello, Ingleside Community! We are knee deep in summer, and wading into July. Fireworks continue to be on the forefront of the community’s mind. To piggyback off last month’s message, please call 311 if you see someone lighting off fireworks, can give an exact location of occurrence, and can describe the suspect. Please call 911 […]
Glen Park Café opens, a new business in an old space
The new Glen Park Café has a long history in the neighborhood. Three generations of history. The café opened on July 13 and is being run by Damon Victorson and his wife, Ellie. Damon graduated from the famed Culinary Institute of American in Hyde Park, New York in 2011 and since then has cooked as […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg July 22
Please Join us at the (Virtual) Glen Park Association Summer Meeting July 22, 2021, 7pm Agenda Introduction, update on Glen Park, Q&A Captain Nicole Jones of Ingleside Station Report from City Hall, Q&A District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman Got questions for the speakers? Send them to us at Register in advance for this meeting: […]
COMING SOON: Hearst Slow Street
SFMTA will implement a Slow Street in your neighborhood next week– Hearst Avenue between Ridgewood Avenue and Baden Street was approved by the SFMTA Board to become a Slow Street back in Spring 2021. Due to a material shortage, the implementation of Lyon Street as a Slow Street had to be delayed until now. […]
Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment Resolution
(Glen Park News staff note: See the Spring issue of the Glen Park News for the story of the neighborhood mural honoring the Ohlone people, here.) This past month, the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission passed a Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment Resolution honoring and recognizing the Ramaytush Ohlone people as the original inhabitants of […]
Say Hello to the Trail!
Say “Hello” (from a distance) to the New Greenway Trail! ● The new Greenway trail surface is still hardening. ● Please do not use the trail until barriers are removed! The improvements to the Greenway trail are almost complete. The trail building team has been adding the finishing touches to their work this week. […]
Why is the median on Diamond Heights Blvd. so lovely these days? These volunteers are the reason. And you can help.
Betsy Eddy is a middle of the road kind of person. Literally. In the middle of Diamond Heights Boulevard tending to a the plantings. On June 5 she put in a three-hour stint keeping San Francisco beautiful, one block at a time. This time it was between Gold Mine Drive near St. Aidan’s Church and […]