The city lost a great leader July 29: Glen Park’s very own Janice Mirikitani, co-founder of Glide Memorial Church and the city’s poet laureate from 2000 to 2002. Mirikatani and her husband the Rev. Cecil Williams built Glide Memorial Church into the soul of San Francisco. There’s a wonderful tribute video here, and you can […]
Previous Posts
Glen Park physician who gave so much has passed away
Dr. Marc Lieberman, a Glen Park resident (Arbor St) and an incredible human being passed away on August 2nd. He was an ophthalmologist—and I was lucky enough to have been under his care for the past 11 years, which is how I know him. But beyond that, he was a fascinating, exceedingly compassionate person who left the […]
Vandals seem bent on destroying the ECOSF farm at SOTA, but volunteers are working to keep it up
For nearly two decades atop Diamond Heights strollers have happened upon the ECOSF farm situated adjacent to the former McAteer High School football field. Now housing the Ruth Asawa School of the Arts and the Academy of Arts and Sciences, the community farm continues performing as a magnet for walkers during the unprecedented 2020-21 COVID-19 […]
D8 Boundaries to Change?
I’m a volunteer with the League of Women Voters of San Francisco, a nonpartisan nonprofit. You or one of your colleagues might have heard from another LWVSF volunteer a few months ago about local redistristricting. I’d like to invite you to LWVSF’s next event on Thursday, August 19 at 6:00 pm. It’s about what a community of […]
Friends of Glen Canyon Park resumes habitat restoration — join in
Volunteer in our Parks Try out your green thumb or help clean up your neighborhood park. Sign up here to volunteer for the Glen Canyon Park cleanup August 21 (drop-ins also welcome) From Mission Dolores Park to Golden Gate Park, there’s a wealth of exciting volunteer opportunities in our parks. Volunteers participate in a variety […]
DHB Median Cleanup Aug 14
Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project Volunteer Workday Saturday, August 14, 9-12 noon Please join us for even an hour or two! Volunteer Workday Details Date: Saturday, August 14 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon – helping us even one hour would be terrific! Location: Meet at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church on DH Blvd. at Gold […]
UNN Meeting 8/18
Dear Neighbors, UNN virtual community meeting: August 18 at 7 pm Email for the Zoom link for this meeting. The link will be sent to members on the morning of the meeting. On the agenda: 1. What’s the latest on the J-streetcar line? Did you know that the J stops at Market Street and you must transfer to get […]
DIGGING THE DIRT – Gardening the Soil in a Season of Drought
In early June, Pam Peirce and I sat under a cherry tree in my wildly blooming garden and discussed life and plants. Pam*, noted author and columnist, is now preparing the fourth edition of Golden Gate Gardening, writing gardening columns for the Chronicle, and embarking on a biography of one of her interesting Indiana relatives. […]
Volunteers, supporters and friends gather to celebrate Greenway milestone
Natick Triangle Clean-up
Sometime in the middle of shelter-in-place the small triangle along San Jose Ave – where Arlington meets Wilder and Natick Street – began to transform. Shopping carts and tires became orderly piles. Great big mounds of cut fennel and diced ivy vines replaced the garbage. Our roadside eyesore started to have order and then mulch. Now it looks like a […]