This project is focused on accessibility improvements to assist J Church customers transferring at Market Street and Duboce Avenue. Learn more about the project and how to make your voice heard at the SFMTA J Church Transfer Improvements webpage.
Previous Posts
Don’t miss a Glen Park Halloween tradition!
As usual for the last 25 years at 354 Sussex (at Mizpah), the Vella Family will put out 100+ carved pumpkins for everyone to enjoy. The Halloween carving tradition started as a bonding experience for now retired neuropsychologist Dr. Charles Vella with his then 10 year old daughter, now new UCSF radiologist, Dr. Maya Vella. […]
Supervisor Mandelman’s monthly newsletter
Web Version D8 Newsletter – October 2021 Had a great time at SCRAP-SF’s “RePurposeful” show. This partnership with our beloved Randall Museum highlighted the results of SCRAP’s work to provide affordable access to arts and crafts supplies. Learn more about SCRAP at STAYING CONNECTED City Hall, and my office, are open so stop by and […]
UNN Mtg 10/20
Dear Neighbors, Save the date: UNN virtual community meeting: October 20 at 7 pm Do you have concerns about neighborhood issues? Are you curious about what’s going on and how you can become involved and learn more? UNN committees will fill us in on their progress and the latest news about the J-streetcar line, Slow […]
Phoenix Day 10/17!
One City. One Day. Rising Together. October 17th, 2021 will mark the return of San Francisco’s beloved Sunday Streets with a bigger than ever program taking place across the City, featuring historic routes and pop-ups, The Cross City Connector Bike Ride, and dozens of neighbor-hosted block parties citywide. LOCAL BLOCK PARTIES on SUNDAY, OCT 17 […]
Greenway volunteers work hard to keep vegetation going during drought
Coming to the Glen Park Greenway…a California Native Meadow. The design is based on community consensus reflected in the Greenway Concept Plan of 2016. In a series of community meetings held this September, we refined our expectations about what the Native Meadow should provide and will continue to refine the design of the Meadow over […]
DHB Median Cleanup 10/9
Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project Volunteer Workday Saturday, October 9, 9-12 noon Please join us for even an hour or two! Date: Saturday, October 9 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon – helping us even one hour would be terrific! Location: Meet at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church on DH Blvd. at Gold Mine Dr. Work: […]
Boo! Will there be a Glen Park Halloween this year?
After more than a decade of increasingly lively Halloweens in Glen Park, COVID-19 shut everything down in 2020. Instead of streets swarming with Ruth Bader Ginsburgs, Jedi knights and the occasional BART car, there was the eerie silence of the pandemic. But—with proper precautions—Halloween is back this year! St. John the Evangelist School at 925 […]
Trees put Glen Park in top 5 neighborhoods in SF
A new study of “tree canopy cover” ranks Glen Park fifth out of all San Francisco neighborhoods, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. It’s a metric developed by a data company, EarthDefine, which measures the percentage of total land area covered by trees. Overall, with 669,000 trees, San Francisco has very little tree cover, at […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg 10/21
Join the Glen Park Association for our fall quarterly meeting Thursday, October 21, 7pm on Zoom (registration details below) Agenda Fire Safety The San Francisco Fire Marshal will talk about fire safety, both in Glen Canyon and in the home. Neighborhood Beautification From murals to greenways, featuring Bernal Glen’s own Sophie Constantinou, whose tireless work […]