We all know BART has tracks, lots of them — but on Thursday, October 28, a balmy early evening, pre-Halloween hoopla, there were sound tracks emanating from the Glen Park station plaza: the music of 510JAZZ (that’s “five-one-oh jazz”), an East Bay band. In a spot on the northwest corner of the plaza which seemed […]
Previous Posts
News From City Hall
Hello Glen Park neighbors! Welcome to the first in a series of monthly updates on the work my office is doing, and how you can get involved to make a difference on the issues you’re passionate about. It’s been a busy month in the D8 office – the Board unanimously passed legislation I authored […]
(HI)STORIES OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS – Hollywood –The Glen Park Connection, Part 1 – The Glen Park Glenodeon
Over the past several years, we have uncovered many impressive histories connected with Glen Park. One not yet discussed is the Glen Park connection to the glamor and glitz of Hollywood that began during the earliest days of Tinseltown. This post is Part 1. … “Moving pictures” were all the rage during the opening […]
Halloween 2021–Glen Park makes a comeback
Photos by Marian Dalere Halloween was almost “normal” on Chenery Street this year. There was no official street closure due to the continuing Covid restrictions, but the Chenery Slow Street between Lippard and Burnside brought out significant crowds. One neighbor enthused, “Half the crowds as normal and waaay better–super fun!”
Greenway Work Party Saturday, Nov. 6
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday November 6 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks to Canyon Market for providing this) and sandwiches at the end. We haven’t shared coffee and sandwiches together since before Covid […]
Twin Peaks Trails Improvement Project
The San Francisco Recreation & Park Department is pleased to announce the Twin Peaks Trails and Promenade Project. The project has gone through extensive public engagement and we are nearing the point of implementing the remaining trail improvements and finalizing the promenade design. Please provide feedback so that we can incorporate it into the final […]
After 25 years, Lisa Wayne leaves Rec & Park (and Glen Canyon) to help keep San Francisco’s water supply safe
One of the last times Lisa Wayne dug into Glen Park soil was on January 11, 2020, a month before COVID-19 changed everything. With her teenage son, Isaac, Wayne planted dozens of drought-tolerant plants and shrubs such as gooseberry and red flowering currant at Fairmount Plaza, a postage-stamp oasis nestled between Diamond Heights and Fairmount […]
Spooky Halloween event in Glen Canyon Park Oct. 30
Nightmare on Elk Street: Haunted house, crafts, music, & face painting!
BART will bring musical joy to BART riders in the month of October….and Glen Park Station is next up!
We are excited to announce a fun promotion coming to Glen Park BART Station on Thursday, October 28 from 5 – 6:30pm. Note that the Glen Park BART station is one of only 4 stations chosen for this event and the only one in San Francisco! The sounds of Reggae, Jazz, and Folk music will bring […]
Come one come all to the Halloween extravaganza at St. John School!
Get full details and purchase tickets here. All information courtesy of St. John Elementary School.