Hello Glen Park and Happy Mid-Wintertime! It sure has been rainy (needed) and cold (brrr). I even heard that next week it may snow! Would be fun to take another picture sitting at a picnic table in the backyard like I did in my childhood home in Noe Valley in 1976. Granted, I’ll look a […]
Previous Posts
On Monday Perch is celebrating its 15th anniversary with drawings for $150 gift cards
Perch is celebrating 15 years in business this month. Since first opening in 2008, owner Zoel Fages has been offering a unique, curated selection of gifts and just-for-fun items on Chenery Street. To celebrate a decade and a half as part of the fabric of Glen Park, Fages is holding a drawing. When customers make a […]
Empty tree basin? Friends of the Urban Forest can help fill it
(Here’s an item from FUF’s current newsletter that the Glen Park News thinks will be of interest to our community.) Our rainstorms last month brought down hundreds of street trees in San Francisco — trees we can hardly afford to lose. Sadly, many were mature specimens with lots of foliage — real powerhouses that provide the greatest […]
Glen Canyon Park gets high scores in annual report
Every three months the Recreation and Parks Department (RPD) and the Controller’s Office rate the city’s 166 parks, playgrounds and civic plazas on a wide array of criteria covering built facilities and natural areas. The findings are sliced and diced and published in an annual report covering the fiscal year– July 2021 through June 2022–and […]
New pilot program for instant, online electrical solar permits
Great news! Today, the Department of Building Inspection (DBI) launched a pilot program for instant, online electrical permits for some residential rooftop solar panel projects! During the pilot program, California licensed contractors can use SolarAPP+, a web-based application, to bypass upfront plan review and obtain an instant, online electrical permit for qualifying rooftop solar installations of […]
Glen Park – January 2023 Incidents
January 2023 – Incidents Incident Time Incident Description Intersection 2023/01/03 21:00 Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 GOLD MINE DR \ DIAMOND HEIGHTS BLVD 2023/01/05 9:00 Suspicious Occurrence ARLINGTON ST \ NATICK ST \ SAN JOSE AV OFF RAMP \ WILDER ST 2023/01/06 21:00 Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 SWISS AVE \ ARBOR ST 23:00 License Plate, Found […]
Neighbors recount wild night in upper Glen Park
By Sal Novoa: Multiple high schools got together Saturday night for a big party in Glen Canyon Park at around 8 pm. I estimated the crowd size at 200-250. According to some of the kids I chatted with, it was a Wolf of Wall Street keg party–the largest keg event this year. SFPD […]
Wet concrete vs. car on Elk Street conjures troubled history of achieving crosswalk
Glen Park resident Sal Novoa was driving on Elk Street Tuesday afternoon, January 24, when he spotted a most peculiar scene. He tells it this way: “Sharing some photos of an unfortunate driving error. “An older gentleman weaved around the street closure barriers. We heard the workers trying to stop him from entering, their hands […]
Book lovers have a home at the Rec Center
The weekly Book Discussion Group at the Glen Park Rec Center is gaining popularity since it was started in March 2022. There are now thirteen regulars and no one is turned away. They currently meet Tuesdays from 1 to 3 pm. (Check the new feature in the Glen Park News sidebar for classes and events […]