A tree fell down on the 500 block of Arlington Street this afternoon, bringing down a power line. Residents on that block, the 400 block, and possibly others, are still without power. It was among the trees that have fallen from the latest atmospheric River to wallop the Bay Area and Southern California. Jodell […]
Previous Posts
When Trees Attack: An Investigation into the Dorothy Erskine Park Tree-Tastrophes
(Note: The title of this post was generated by ChatGPT, AI chatbot, courtesy of Octavio Di Sciullo. The rest was generated by a human.) The Trust for Public Land says San Francisco is the first U.S. city where all residents live within a 10-minute walk to a public park. Most people would be thrilled to […]
Fire displaces Glen Park merchant from his home
Critter Fritters Manager Tony Jerez was tuning into the TV news last Friday at 11 p.m. when the fire alarm in his Tenderloin apartment building went off, but he didn’t realize the situation was serious until he heard neighbors yelling. “It’s a real fire,” they called, and the Balboa Hotel’s 25 residents and their pets […]
Glen Park Gets Greener
Glen Park is about to get greener, thanks to a grant that will buy 30 California native trees, 50 drought-resistant shrubs and numerous native grasses to beautify a stretch of land running between Arlington Street and San Jose Avenue. The pedestrian portion of the land is known as the Arlington Path, which runs parallel to […]
Popular Viking Giant Subs to close, owners retiring
After 18 years in Glen Park, the owners of Viking’s Giant Submarines at 2906 Diamond St. are taking a well-deserved retirement. Since 1995, Betty & Steven Chang have been working from early morning to after 5:00 pm providing the neighborhood with an eclectic assortment of sandwiches and lunch items. Those included the submarine sandwiches, hamburgers, […]
We’ve made it past the shortest month of the year and are staring right into our busy spring real estate market. As expected, things are continuing to pick up with an increase of buyer interest and available inventory. That said, if we look at new inventory coming to market in February 2023 versus 2022, it’s […]
Glen Park – February 2023 Incidents
February 2023 – Incidents Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2023/02/01 09:20 BOSWORTH ST \ DIAMOND ST Theft, Vehicle Strip, >$950 2023/02/02 12:20 ARLINGTON ST \ MATEO ST Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property 2023/02/03 22:00 RANDALL ST \ WHITNEY ST Vehicle, Stolen, Auto 2023/02/04 00:38 CHENERY ST \ 30TH ST Violation of Restraining Order 10:30 MOFFITT […]
You won’t want to miss Glen Park’s cleanup days
Once a month–usually the second Saturday morning–a merry group of volunteers meets up at Critter Fritters on Chenery Street to be dispatched for a cleanup of commercial corridors and public spaces in Glen Park. There are stalwart regulars as well as a changing tapestry of neighbors who can spare up to a couple of hours […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, March 4
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, We are making plans for our March Work Party. Please put it on your calendar: it’ll be on Saturday March 4. This will be our last Work Party before the start of spring, and the plants along the Greenway are really getting going now. There’s lots of growth […]
CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY–March is Women’s History Month
All year round, the Library champions women writers, artists, academics and professional leaders in their fields, and Glen Park Branch Library invites you to shine a light on HERstory with us during Women’s History Month this March. Glen Park as we know it wouldn’t exist without the tireless advocacy of some amazing women. We’re excited […]