Please put Saturday February 1 on your calendar for our next Work Party. February is the month when plants really start to grow. December and January drench the soil and in February the days start to lengthen faster: moisture plus sunlight equals vegetation. So new growth and blossom will be even more evident. I hope […]
Previous Posts
Mandelman Office Art Showcase 1/30
Please join us for “Showcase,” an exhibit that will activate Board President Rafael Mandelman’s office into an intimate gallery space, offering a unique platform for local artists to share their work in a civic setting. The exhibit will reflect the diversity, creativity, and cultural heritage of San Francisco’s communities, aligning with Rafael Mandelman’s commitment to […]
Mail Theft and You 1/21
The United States Postal Police will talk about mail theft and other concerns at this month’s Ingleside Community meeting. There will be time after the presentation to ask questions. Community Meeting with Captain Hurwitz In-person at the SFPD Ingleside Station 1 Sgt John V Young Lane, at San Jose Ave. near Balboa Pool January 21, […]
2025 Grant Cycle Launched
The GPA Grants Program provides funding for projects that benefit the Glen Park neighborhood consistent with our mission to promote public awareness of important local issues, foster friendship and community spirit, and improve our shared spaces. In previous years, GPA grants have supported programs at local schools, Burnside Mural+, Gum Tree Girls Festival, Glen Park […]
Senior Cohousing Dreams
They say from little acorns great oak trees grow, and few know that better than Glen Park’s Nicholas Dewar, who has spent the last 12 years plotting the future of the Greenway, oak by oak. Now the 17-year resident of Glen Park has his eye on a bigger project: nurturing the first senior cohousing network […]
DBI Public Advisory Forum 1/22
Dear Customers, We want to hear from you! On Wednesday, January 22, the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection is hosting our next Public Advisory Forum to share updates and solicit your suggestions on how we can serve you better. At the online forum, we’ll discuss the new online plumbing inspection scheduling process, pre-approved accessory […]
Welcoming 2025: Reflecting on the Past, Looking Ahead Happy New Year Glen Park! I hope you all had the chance to unwind and enjoy some well-deserved time with loved ones this holiday season. Personally, it was a refreshing break—after a whirlwind of work from summer through the end of the year, everything wrapped up just […]
December 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletters
Season’s Greetings, Ingleside Community! As we approach the end of the year, the entire team at Ingleside Station would like to extend our warmest wishes to you, your family, and friends for a joyful holiday season and a fantastic New Year! I would like to personally invite you to our December Community Meeting on Monday, December […]
Tree removal project along O’Shaughnessy Blvd. Jan. 13-24
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has a tree removal project planned at O’Shaughnessy Boulevard near Bosworth Street that is scheduled to begin January 13, 2025. This project is a follow up to the tree removals that we did in the area last year, which was highlighted in an article written by Heather World. The trees […]
Glen Park – December 2024 Incidents
Note: We publish these posts three to four days after the month’s close to balance the completeness of information and timeliness of reporting. Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2024/12/02 19:27 CHENERY ST \ DIAMOND ST Theft, Other Property, <$50 2024/12/03 09:30 SURREY ST \ SWISS AVE Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, >$950 23:30 GOLD MINE DR […]