Here’s how: Neighborfest just opened up for residents of District 8 (that’s us!). This makes it easier and cheaper to host a block party this fall. Do it! SFMTA’s traffic calming applications open July 1. They’ve streamlined the process so it should be much faster than in the past!
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CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY—Stride through summer with us
We’ve been so busy welcoming new faces at the library and telling them how they can get a gorgeous free tote bag by participating in Summer Stride, we almost forgot to share with you all the amazing events and activities we have on tap for our community. Fortunately for us, many of you have already […]
Garbage Fees to Rise? Give Feedback
Did you know that San Franciscans have a say in setting their rates for recycling, landfill, and compost disposal? Recology — the company the City contracts with to handle the disposal of waste, recycling, and compost — is requesting higher rates from residents that would go into effect in October 2023. The Refuse Rate Board […]
Bernal Cut/Arlington Path Newsletter
D8-wide cleanup with SFMTA July 15! See newsletter for QR code to sign up
Urban Angels launches 2023 school supplies and backpacks campaign
The donors, supporters and volunteers of Urban Angels SF are pleased to announce its 5th Annual School Supplies & Backpacks campaign will kick off on July 1, 2023. 1,000 unhoused elementary school boys and girls and others from families living below the poverty level in San Francisco will receive a free, new, high-quality backpack filled […]
From a destitute Okie to a “really good life” in Glen Park: Bob Seiwald of Burnside Avenue
On a normal day the cul-de-sac at Burnside Avenue off Chenery Street is a hive of activity. For one thing, it’s the terminus of the Glen Park Greenway, which begins at Brompton Avenue and is frequented by hikers and dog walkers alike. For another thing, there’s the beautiful Burnside Mural right there, a feast […]
Greetings Glen Park! Though the weather continues to be confused (raining on June 6th!?), the days are getting longer and people are gearing up for summer vacations. This past Memorial Day weekend was one of the busiest driving holidays we’ve seen since before the pandemic. But what’s happening in the market? Buyers are being more […]
SFMTA Traffic Calming Program–applications begin July 1
Did you know the SFMTA has a residential application-based traffic calming program where residents can request traffic calming for their block? Please take a look at the program website to learn more about the application and evaluation processes. In particular, the SFMTA is revamping their application-based process to be simpler, more responsive, and more expedient. Starting July […]
Come hear about a drag show in Glen Park 50 years ago – June 7 at the library
For a brief period in the mid-1960s, when the city’s LGBTQ community was beginning to find its voice, “San Francisco’s Finest Female Impersonators” performed at the Casa Blanca Lounge in Glen Park. Evelyn Rose of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project shares how the story of the Casa Blanca not only reveals the rich Italian […]
San Francisco Police and Supervisor Engardio Launch Catalytic Converter Etching Program
San Francisco Supervisor Joel Engardio, the San Francisco Police Department and partnerships with local businesses are offering catalytic converter etching to deter theft for San Francisco residents. Residents can have their catalytic converter etched for free by going to a participating auto shop. This new program is being launched at this event below. Scheduling an appointment is […]