Calling all sewists, crafters, and conservationists! Glen Park Branch Library is kicking off monthly clothes mending circles starting Sunday, August 6th from 2-4pm. In our first session we’ll help you learn to patch or embroider your jeans and other clothes. These monthly get togethers will return on Sunday, September 17th, when we’ll practice darning for […]
Previous Posts
What’s the Arlington Triangle? You decide!
Big appreciation for the amazing work completed on the Arlington Triangle Saturday, July 15: 60 Cubic yards of mulch spread & 4 Coast Live Oaks planted. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing site prep from the neighbors, the support of Public Works and San Francisco Environment. Many people asked what’s next for the […]
Your favorite UPS driver hits a milestone
Leo Parker, Glen Park’s UPS driver, took a two-week break recently to celebrate his 60th birthday and 35 years delivering to Glen Park. He spent a week with family and another week in West Hollywood with friends that flew in from Australia. Leo always lets neighbors know via Nextdoor when he’ll be away. You […]
Research on Mayor George Christopher and Why the Park Named After Him Should Retain His Name
Glen Park News note: This Opinion Essay is reprinted here with permission of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project. In February of this year, it seemed Christopher Park in Diamond Heights was at risk for becoming the center of attention as a new candidate for a name change. The reason? A District 3 representative on the Park, Recreation, Open Space […]
We are solidly in summer now and was that ever a hot pre-4th of July in the Bay Area! As a matter of fact, 4th of July saw the hottest average world temperature on the books. Lots of people are traveling, but we are seeing a good amount of renewed interest in the real estate […]
District 8 Beautification Day Saturday, 7/15
Join your district neighbors in the annual Neighborhood Beautification Day. Register here: The Arlington Path/Bernal Cut community will be focused on the 500 Block of Arlington, turning the Arlington Triangle into a beautiful and more dog friendly place. The foxtails have been meticulously cleared so now it’s time to mulch and plant. On Arlington from […]
Glen Park has HeART! News from Burnside Mural+
Announcement: Just 20-25 donor legacy tiles remain available for the Burnside tiled stairway. Glen Park’s Burnside Mural+ tiled stairway project is receiving loads of love. We want to thank the 175 people who have fulfilled pledges for donor legacy tiles. The inscriptions are often touching, occasionally done with humor, and all clearly crafted from […]
Glen Park – June 2023 Incidents
Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 06/01/23 20:16 GOLD MINE DR \ DIAMOND HEIGHTS BLVD Theft, From Locked Vehicle, Att. 06/02/23 10:48 SUSSEX ST \ BEMIS ST \ CASTRO ST Mental Health Detention 22:00 SURREY ST \ VAN BUREN ST Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 06/03/23 10:23 SWISS AVE \ ARBOR ST Found Person 06/06/23 12:10 […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, July 8
Please put Saturday July 8 on your calendar for our monthly Work Party. The Solstice is behind us and the Big Dry is getting started. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully (we’re still irrigating it while it gets established). The oak trees are looking good – some of the direct-seeded oaks are going into their […]
Recap of Ingleside Station Community Meeting June 20
Ingleside Station holds monthly in-person community meetings the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm at the station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane. Acting Captain Kevin Knoble conducted this month’s meeting. The next monthly meeting will be Tuesday, July 18 at 6 pm, with Captain Derrick Lew. San Francisco Police Department: Acting Capt. Knoble […]