Sent to the Glen Park Association: Hello, I’m writing to give you an update on where the SFMTA is at with the Extended Meter Hours study we worked on over the summer for extending the hours of operation of parking meters. I wanted to make sure that you knew that the study will be presented […]
Previous Posts
Suspicious man ringing doorbells on Miguel Street
From Carolyn Deacy, the safety officer for the Glen Park Association: I was asked, by a Miguel Street resident, to post this, to make everyone aware of the suspicious activity. Several residents of Miguel St. have recently witnessed suspicious activity: a 30-ish Hispanic man driving a late 80’s Honda Accord, rings the doorbell or knocks […]
Storm hits Glen Park, 280 briefly closed due to flooding
You might have though a game of garbage can soccer was being played by invisible giants throughout Glen Park this morning as extremely strong winds pushed newly-emptied garbage cans up and down the streets, sometimes blocking sidewalks and intersections. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that backed-up drains and gutters briefly shut down 280 at Monterey […]
Come see cool pictures of Old Glen Park – TUESDAY
GPA – October 13 Meeting at the Glen Canyon Rec Center Greg Gaar, activist, historian, collector, will present a slide lecture: Natural History of San Francisco and Glen Park, Mt. Davidson and Twin Peaks Greg has given his slide talks on San Francisco history and Glen Park before. This will be another great evening. AGENDA […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Well, at least someone likes our BART station The San Francisco Chronicle’s Urban Design writer, John King, thinks very highly of the Glen Park BART: “With a name like Brutalism, it’s no wonder this blunt strain of modernism never caught on with the public. Yet the movement produced such evocative works as this BART station, where the shadowy charge comes from the […]
Saucy Joes’ Knife Sharpening comes to Glen Park
If you’re one of those cooks who dreams of a really good edge on your knives but despairs of ever honing them to such sharpness yourself, take heart! Saucy Joe has added Glen Park to his six-week schedule of mobile knife and scissor-sharpening. While many in the neighborhood swear by the knife sharpening service at […]
Our park is loved
The Neighborhood Parks Council does a monthly column about local parks. This month Glen Park is in the spotlight… I Love My Park: October 2009 Welcome to “I Love My Park”, NPC’s monthly column featuring interviews with people all over the city talking about the personal connections they feel to parks in San Francisco. […]
Keep your chert on!
The Friends of Glen Canyon Park will host a Geology Walk this Saturday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m. Retired geologist Neal Faye will explain the formation of Glen Canyon, the make up of our native rock, the Franciscan Formation of Radiolarian Chert and discuss the visual phenomena in local outcrops. Meet behind the Glen Canyon […]
They’re feeling the pain on Mangels
Wherever you live in Glen Park, someone always seems to be tearing up the streets. Much of the spring and summer saw Chenery dug up. Now the work — to update decades-old natural gas valves with new, high-pressure ones — has gotten to Mangels Street. Glen Park News reporter Jennie Rose talked to distribution supervisor […]
Glen Park Planning Meeting Notes: Sept. 14, 2009
Glen Park Planning Meeting Sept. 14, 2009 This meeting was coordinated between the Glen Park Association and the San Francisco Planning Dept. as an open forum for the neighborhood to hear from Planning and for Planning to hear from the neighborhood. More such meetings will be coming in the future. Sixty-five residents attended the meeting, […]