St. John’s School 925 Chenery Street 7:00 Election of officers 7:30 District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty to hold town hall meeting. He will be bringing representatives from the police, Muni, Transportation and other City agencies to answer neighbor questions.
Previous Posts
New anti-Semetic graffiti found, Newsom concerned
Glen Canyon Park was on Mayor Gavin Newsom’s mind Tuesday – but not for something about which to boast. He was troubled about the anti-Semitic graffiti found there by a city worker Monday morning. Recreation and Park Department painters promptly covered the offending symbols, and police have stepped up patrols, Newsom said. The vandalism follows […]
One year of the Patrol Specials in Glen Park
A notice from the group that sponsors Glen Park’s Patrol Special officer: The Glen Park Patrol Safety Program celebrates one year of patrol service dedicated solely to Glen Park, and is sponsored by an enthusiastic and growing volunteer group of merchants and residents! Come to the Glen Park Residents Association meeting Weds. Jan. 13 at […]
And the Race is On! – Political videos about Glen Park
The race for District 8’s supervisor’s seat is well underway, despite the fact that the election isn’t until June. Here at the Glen Park News we’ve been getting invitation for lunches, coffees , Facebook friendings and get-togethers, as well as requests for endorsements, for months now. Of course GPN doesn’t endorse candidate, we merely report […]
4.1 on the Richter scale here in GP
A 4.1 earthquake stuck the Bay area at 10:09 AM Thursday morning. The U.S. Geological Service pegged it at 4.1 on the Richter scale. It was 5.6 miles deep and the epicenter was just southeast of Fremont. Here in Glen Park it came through as a definite jolt, especially for people on second and third […]
Sword fern, alum and shining willow
Friends of Glen Canyon Park, January 6, 2010, preparing to plant sword fern, columbine, Douglas iris, alum root and shining willow along Islais Creek, adjacent to cedar fence they built in 2009. Plants will add to the diversity and color of the natural habitat. Photo: Murray Schneider
Drop in on Red & White Tonight
Happy Red and White, Glen Park’s new destination for the new year. The wine bar and café, at 678 Chenery St., began its “soft” opening Saturday and will be open Sunday evenings from 5-10 p.m. On Tuesday, Jan. 5, it will open the doors at noon. Co-owner Juliana Flores says that the artwork won’t be […]
A view of the Blue School from the Blue Tower
The winter issue of the Glen Park News featured a story on a hike to the Blue Tower, about a mile and a half to the southeast of Glen Park. It was one of Dolan Eargle’s on-going series of Interesting Things In and Around Glen Park. On Christmas Day the Clark family of Chenery St. […]
Keep an eye out for a soft opening at Red & White
Our newest destination here in Glen Park, the cafe/wine bar Red & White, is getting oh-so-close to ready. Look for a soft opening sometime in the week or two after Christmas. Which means if you walk by and the door’s open, they may well be serving. Stick your head in and say hi to managers […]
A “12 Galaxies” Gingerbread House
If you’ve been shopping in downtown San Francisco, you’ve probably run into Frank Chu, a well-known eccentric who walks near the Powell St. cable car turnaround carrying a sign that prominently features the phrase 12 Galaxies. A friend added a touch of local realism to a his holiday gingerbread house and Glen Park resident Devin […]