Friends of Glen Canyon Park, January 6, 2010, preparing to plant sword fern, columbine, Douglas iris, alum root and shining willow along Islais Creek, adjacent to cedar fence they built in 2009. Plants will add to the diversity and color of the natural habitat. Photo: Murray Schneider
Previous Posts
Drop in on Red & White Tonight
Happy Red and White, Glen Park’s new destination for the new year. The wine bar and café, at 678 Chenery St., began its “soft” opening Saturday and will be open Sunday evenings from 5-10 p.m. On Tuesday, Jan. 5, it will open the doors at noon. Co-owner Juliana Flores says that the artwork won’t be […]
A view of the Blue School from the Blue Tower
The winter issue of the Glen Park News featured a story on a hike to the Blue Tower, about a mile and a half to the southeast of Glen Park. It was one of Dolan Eargle’s on-going series of Interesting Things In and Around Glen Park. On Christmas Day the Clark family of Chenery St. […]
Keep an eye out for a soft opening at Red & White
Our newest destination here in Glen Park, the cafe/wine bar Red & White, is getting oh-so-close to ready. Look for a soft opening sometime in the week or two after Christmas. Which means if you walk by and the door’s open, they may well be serving. Stick your head in and say hi to managers […]
A “12 Galaxies” Gingerbread House
If you’ve been shopping in downtown San Francisco, you’ve probably run into Frank Chu, a well-known eccentric who walks near the Powell St. cable car turnaround carrying a sign that prominently features the phrase 12 Galaxies. A friend added a touch of local realism to a his holiday gingerbread house and Glen Park resident Devin […]
Trimming the tree
Bike Patrols to Tour Glen Park
The San Francisco Police Department’s bike patrol patrol program has been expanded into Glen Park, Capt. David Lazar announced Thursday. “I have added bicycle officers to Glen Park, seven days a week,” the neighborhood’s top cop said in his daily e-mail briefing. Three officers are assigned to the beat, which is centered around 30th and […]
Santa Visit Glen Park – 110 kids give him their lists
Santa Claus paid a visit to Glen Park on Dec. 8, when he and some helpers dropped in at Modern Past. Between 4:30 and 7:30 over 110 local kids stopped in to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas, get their picture taken and collect a balloon or a cookie. Modern Past owner Ric Lopez, […]
SF Chronicle on Conservatory opening
By Rachel Gordon More than a century ago, a British-born inventor and stargazer built on his remote San Francisco estate a whimsical conservatory with eight sides and a soaring ceiling to house his collection of exotic plants and flowers. Time, vandals and the threat of a wrecking ball nearly brought the structure to ruin. View […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Hundreds Celebrate Reopening of Sunnyside Conservatory
Hundreds of people thronged the newly reopened Sunnyside Conservatory at 236 Montery Blvd. Bagpipes wailed and a host of neighborhood, city and state luminaries gave speeches, but the highlight of the day was the gorgeous new Conservatory, better than ever after a ten-year effort to rebuild the 111-year-old structure.