Taken at about 7:30 am Saturday morning.
Previous Posts
Enter, stage right – a pheasant on Congo
Who says there’s no wildlife in the City? There were a flurry of emails on various lists earlier this week about pheasant-spottings in Glen Park. Tara Diachenko got this great shot, of said pheasant, strolling up Congo St. toward Stillings, last week “I took it from the window, but the bird flapped away when I […]
Update on Community Plan
Glen Parkers, Thanks to those who came out for Tuesday’s Community Plan meeting. We had a good discussion on the draft zoning proposal and public comments we’ve received on the Plan. All materials from the meeting including copies of the ORIGINAL public comments are now posted on our website. Take a look here There are […]
Crime report Nov. 10 – 15
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:40 am, Bosworth/Still , Robbery w/ Force A woman flagged down officers Ng and Hintzen and told them that she had been robbed. The victim stated that she was walking when an African American male, 25-27 years old, 6’0, 180 […]
Fluffy fur for charity at Critter Fritters
Harold, a mix of American Eskimo and wire-hair terrier, proudly displays to his guardian the makeover he got at Critter Fritters, Sunday, Nov. 14. The shop sponsored a dog wash and groom to benefit the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. The groomer, Pam, will be offering her services on Mondays at Critter Fritters, 670 […]
Slices of Islais Creek presentation Tue. Nov. 16
We would like to invite you to the Glen Park Library, this coming Tuesday November 16 for presentations by students at San Francisco State University examining Islais Creek through the lenses of art, design and geography. We will be gathering at 2PM and with presentations running between 2:30PM~4PM and informal conversations ongoing until about 5PM. […]
Police Report
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Nothing in the report from Glen Park. Wednesday, November 3, 2010 The following incident is officially out to the GP boundary but close enough to cause concern. 10:30 am, 100 blk Lyell, Robbery, Street, W/Force PSA Zabarte was approached at […]
Wiener ahead in vote count
As of Friday, District 8 supervisor candidate Scott Wiener was ahead in the vote count, though the final outcome isn’t yet known because of the ranked vote system used in San Francisco. Glen Park’s own Rachel Gordon has an excellent article on the count in the San Francisco Chronicle. Here’s an excerpt: In District Six, […]
BART bashed by Giant lines
The line to get tickets at the Glen Park BART station went around the block as people streamed downtown for the Giants parade today. Glen Park News photographer Michael Waldstein got this great shot. The Chron has a nice story here.
Scott Wiener may be our new Supe
Given the ranked choice voting, these numbers could change. For an explanation of how it works, please see the sfgov site here. From the SF Chronicle Wednesday morning. Board of Supervisors, District 8 Votes Percent SCOTT WIENER 8849 41.66% REBECCA PROZAN 3560 16.76% RAFAEL MANDELMAN 7727 36.37% BILL HEMENGER 1107 5.21% WRITE-IN 0 0%