[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=300+Miguel+Street,+San+Francisco,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.547176,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=300+Miguel+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94131&ll=37.737199,-122.427716&spn=0.002168,0.004823&z=14&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Neighbors living near Miguel and Bemis streest are without water this evening after a water main break sent a flood washing down the street at around 4:30 PM today, a San Francisco Fire Dept. officer on the scene told the News. The street is closed off at Miguel between Laidley and Bemis […]
Previous Posts
New SF Mayor is 15-year Glen Park resident
From the SF Chronicle, 1-7-2011 Supervisors vote 10-1 to make Ed Lee mayor The Board of Supervisors voted 10 to 1 today to appoint City Administrator Ed Lee as interim mayor, but the decision is not official until Mayor Gavin Newsom steps down and is sworn in to the lieutenant governor’s job he won in […]
Farmers Market moving ahead
The first community meeting regarding a possible Sunday farmers’ market in Glen Park was held on Monday January 3rd. The meeting, called by Ric Lopez, president of the Glen Park Merchants Association was attended by as many as 30 people. Among the attendees: Scott Wiener – our newly elected District 8 Supervisor who supports the […]
B&B fundraiser for Blanche a big success
Friday night at Bird & Beckett there was a great gathering of food, fun, friends and jazz… all to benefit well-known gal about the village, Blanche Bebb, who recently had a stroke. Friend, family and supporters gathered to raise money to help her pay for rehab therapy so she can be back to us soon. […]
Bird & Beckett’s Blanche has had a stroke – benefit Friday
Attn: Craftspeople – the Glen Park Festival wants you!
Glen Park Craftspeople & Artists The Glen Park Festival, Sunday, May 1, 2011, is currently accepting applications for vendors. This year, for the first time we will be accepting applications for vendors wishing to share a single booth. This is a good opportunity for small artists or craftspeople to show their work while splitting the […]
Pruning the Coffee Berry Trees
Friends of Glen Canyon park surveyed California native plants along Islais Creek on January 5th, preparatory to pruning a coffee berry tree that shaded columbine, Douglas iris and soap plant. Designated Pool 2 by the Wednesday crew, the volunteers’ goal was to “open up” the area that runs adjacent a cedar railing north of the […]
Crime report, Dec. 23 – Jan. 3
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, December 23, 2010 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Friday, December 24, 2010 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Saturday, December 25, 2010 09:50 am, Monterey/Edna, Unlicensed Driver Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:59 pm, 300 blk Bosworth, Driving Under Influence Monday, […]
Farmers Market meeting Monday – 6:30 @ St. John’s
Don’t forget Monday night’s Glen Park Farmers’ Market meeting, 6:30 at St. John School, 925 Chenery St. The Glen Park Merchants Association and the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association will offer an update on where the market stands and what’s needed to make it happen come Spring. The current plan is for the market to […]
Glen Park connection offers shelter in NY’s storm
By Murray Schneider I was born in Brooklyn and raised in the Sunset District. All I knew about blizzards was my father’s description of the 1958 storm of confetti that rained down on the San Francisco Giants as they paraded along Montgomery Street, preparatory to usurping the San Francisco Seals as the city’s preeminent baseball […]