This year, 140+ pumpkins will be on display outside the Vella family home at 354 Sussex. It’s a family tradition in its 29th year.The pumpkins will be on display starting at 5 pm on October 31. Everyone invited! See the 2022 Vella Family Pumpkins. Here are some new 2023 pumpkins:
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CA Earthquake Authority – Earthquake Brace and Bolt Program
Every October is International ShakeOut Day, when millions of people worldwide participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home. The Great California ShakeOut provides an annual opportunity to practice how to be safer during big earthquakes. You may have only seconds to take action and protect yourself and practicing helps you be ready to […]
Dear Glen Park Neighbors, The Board of Supervisors is back from August recess and we are busy! On October 7th, I joined Glen Park at the first-ever Glen Park Art Walk. Congratulations to Glen Park Merchants Association and all of the organizers on a successful event! I also joined Glen Park Association on October 12th […]
Autumn blooms on the Greenway
Come to the Greenway Native Meadow (between Brompton and Lippard Avenues) and see how many of these flowering plants you can find. The winter rains helped create a profusion of blooms. But hurry!
Four Glen Parkers lead tours of the City with San Francisco City Guides
Enjoy walking? Learning? Curious about your surroundings? San Francisco has a free resource for you: San Francisco City Guides, (SFCG) a 45-year-old nonprofit organization that offers walks throughout the City that take you on journeys through its endlessly colorful history. Each year about 30,000 people from the Bay Area and beyond walk with us. There […]
Happy October! This has got to be one of the best months in San Francisco. We’ve got our true summer, and then there’s Halloween, and everything fall related. Taking my son trick-or-treating on Chenery St. has always been so much fun. I love the energy and spirit in the neighborhood on Halloween, and how everyone […]
Volunteers still needed for Chenery Block Party Sunday October 8
Glen Park’s outdoor restaurant spaces start to come down
Outdoor dining is going away (for the most part) in Glen Park, after the City ended easy COVID-era rules that allowed restaurants to build outdoor dining areas in parking places in front of their doors. Glen Park gained four outdoor eating spaces during the height of the COVID emergency, at Tekka House, Higher Grounds, La […]
Glen Park – September 2023 Incidents
September 2023 – Incidents Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2023/09/01 10:30 CHENERY ST \ 30TH ST Theft, Lost Property, Petty 10:30 CHENERY ST \ 30TH ST Theft, Lost Property, Petty 19:30 BOSWORTH ST \ CHILTON AVE Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property 22:00 WILDER ST \ DIAMOND ST Theft, From Person, $200-$950 (other than Pickpocket) […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, October 7
Please put Saturday October 7 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. It is acorn season so our California Oak Woodland is producing acorns. Here’s a picture of some acorns on tree #128 that was, itself, sown as an acorn by volunteers in December 2017. Your work is bearing fruit! I hope that […]