Now that we are solidly in November, and the eggnog is on the shelves, we can take a look back at October and really have a feel for how things were this fall. In general, it’s been pretty weird. That’s the refrain I continue to hear from my colleagues and what I also feel in […]
Previous Posts
ICYMI: 2023 Vella family pumpkins!
A big thank you to Charlie Vella and family for their fantastic Halloween pumpkin display every year! You help make Glen Park the special place that it is! Watch the YouTube below.
Give Joy! 2023 Urban Angels Kicks Off SF Holiday Gift Campaign
The 2023 Urban Angels SF Holiday Gift Program: Give Joy! starts November 1st and continues through December 12th. UASF is committing to serving 1,000 children: 800 in shelters and 200 in our predominantly Latina Friday Moms group. We are seeking to raise $50 per child for a wonderful gift x 1,000 children = $50,000. Starting […]
Burnside Mural+: The + is for tiled steps
Get out your calendars: Editor’s Note: This event was rescheduled from October due to illness. The new date is Nov. 8 at the Glen Park Library, 6 – 7:30 PM. Burnside Mural+ invites you to a presentation by the brilliant tile artists, Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher, designers of the Burnside Mural+ tiled steps, hosted […]
Glen Park – October 2023 Incidents
October 2023 – Incidents Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 10/01/23 16:00 FAIRMOUNT ST \ ARLINGTON ST License Plate, Stolen 18:45 LAIDLEY ST \ HARPER ST Vehicle, Stolen, Auto 10/03/23 08:24 SURREY ST \ DIAMOND ST Assault, Aggravated, W/ Knife 10/04/23 14:00 BEMIS ST \ MATEO ST Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, >$950 16:00 UNNAMED 026 […]
St. Aidan’s Church Presents Ranch Dressing, a Musical Comedy Nov. 10, 11 and 12th
St. Aidan’s Church will be presenting Ranch Dressing, its 17th original musical comedy on Nov. 10 and 11 at 7:30 pm and Nov. 12 at 2:00 pm. Enter St. Aidan’s at the church driveway at 101 Gold Mine Drive. The show is open to the public. Directors John Wilk, former City College Theatre Professor, directs and wrote Ranch […]
GPA sponsors Trick-or-Treat street closure
It is OK for cars to remain parked on Chenery during the Halloween street closure. Please disregard the No Stopping/Tow Away signs that went up this weekend. The Glen Park Association is pleased to sponsor this event. We thank Elena Di Muzio for shepherding the event through the city bureaucracy to make the closure possible. […]
The water beneath our feet in Glen Park
As you’ve no doubt been noticing, Glen Park streets are being torn up thither and yon. Workers from the San Francisco Department of Public Works (SFDPW) can be spotted in deep holes and trenches, replacing old water mains, as reported previously in the Glen Park News. In addition, waterwise, July and August also saw […]
When’s the last time you visited the Glen Park Branch Library? If it’s been a while, you’re definitely missing something! Try to stop by prior to the end of the month for your last chance to take in the over 90 individual pieces of artwork your neighbors and friends contributed to our first ever Tiny […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, November 4
Please put Saturday November 4 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. We hope that the rains will arrive on schedule, so we will spend most of our time at this Work Party preparing for a lot of planting in December when we expect the ground will be nice and damp. I hope […]