Thanks to the efforts of Glen Park and Bernal Heights neighbors, dozens of kittens affected by the Maui wildfires last August now call the Bay Area home. Bernal resident Alena Ja, the Managing Director of Andrea’s Dream Rescue, an animal rescue nonprofit, was personally affected by the fires because her family lives in Hawaii. Worried […]
Previous Posts
GP Selfies with Santa 12/17
Glen Park Merchants Association presents: Selfies with Santa December 17, 1 to 3 p.m. (Click the image to enlarge)
November Real Estate recap
Happy Holidays! A couple of presents have already arrived for would-be home owners. The rates are finally coming down, and the Fed has indicated that they are done with raising rates. We’ve definitely seen a little bump up in activity as the rates have gone down even though we have entered the holidays, but numbers […]
Ballot Education Town Hall 12/13
Learn about the election that determines future elections! Fewer people vote in March, and those who do will be electing representatives to the Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC), the body that decides the official endorsements of the Democratic Party. That’s no small amount of power in this heavily Democratic town. Voters who aren’t sure which […]
Slow Street Family Ride 12/9!
Southwestern Slow Streets Family Bike Meet & Ride Saturday Dec 9, 10AM Meet and join the families and friends of 4 different slow street groups in the Southwestern part of the city for a fun ride and breakfast! Click the image to see more information and to register:
As the new year approaches, many of us gird ourselves for the inevitable exhortations to follow through on our resolutions, remaking or making ourselves better. At the library, though, we like to take a more relaxed approach to personal betterment by making it as easy as possible for you to try something new, relearn something […]
Glen Park – November 2023 Incidents
November 2023 – Incidents Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2023/11/01 08:30 DIAMOND ST \ DIAMOND HEIGHTS BLVD License Plate, Stolen 2023/11/02 17:00 BOSWORTH ST \ LIPPARD AVE Vehicle, Stolen, Attempted 17:00 BOSWORTH ST \ LIPPARD AVE Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property 19:30 ARLINGTON ST \ ROANOKE ST Vehicle, Stolen & Recovered 22:00 DAY ST […]
Greenway work party—Saturday, December 2
Our annual Planting Party is coming up on the first Saturday in December: it’s just over one week away. I’m sure that you have a lot on your mind this week but I expect that your plans for that week-end are coming into focus now. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to […]
BART Maintenance Dec 2-3
On the weekend of December 2 and 3, Caltrans will prune and remove trees along their right-of-way that pose a risk to BART operations. This proactive work between Glen Park and Daly City stations will help protect the system from fallen trees. Last year, fallen trees derailed two trains and delayed trains on multiple occasions. […]
Part 2: The water beneath our feet in Glen Park
Following up on our previous story about the July water main break affecting several homes on the unit block of Sussex Street, the Glen Park News was able to interview Joe Fong, a resident whose family has been displaced to Daly City since that time. Fong is a lifelong San Franciscan, having grown up in […]