The Glen Park Association congratulates Janet Tarlov on her confirmation to the SFMTA Board of Directors! We’ve known Janet as an essential merchant in our neighborhood for 17 years; an active member of our community who spearheads and participates in neighborhood improvement projects; and a caring advocate for Glen Park. Below is the press release […]
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CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY–Make a Date With Your Library This Month!
February is here, and Glen Park Library is buzzing with an array of new events to warm your heart. From informative sessions for adults to engaging activities for tweens, teens, and families, there’s something for everyone. Here are just a few new and notable February events we’d love to see you at! Visit our website […]
The Superbowl: Local traffic tips from the Ingleside Station
On Sunday, February 11, 2024, the San Francisco 49ers will play the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl # 58, with kickoff scheduled for 3:30 PM. The Ingleside Police district is home to very enthusiastic 49ers fans. If the 49ers win, Ingleside Station anticipates post-game celebrations spilling out into the streets within the Ingleside Police District. […]
Last call: Limited number of legacy tiles available for Burnside tiled stairway
Burnside Mural+ is thrilled to report that the process for making the tiled stairway is underway! Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher, our wonderfully talented artists, spent the month of January creating a full-scale mockup of the stairway. It consists of six-foot-wide brown paper with lines for each of the 69 risers, the outlines of the […]
Glen Park – January 2024 Incidents
Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2024/01/02 14:33 CHENERY ST \ 30TH ST Vehicle, Recovered, Motorcycle 22:00 RANDALL ST \ HARPER ST Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 2024/01/03 19:20 DIAMOND ST \ KERN ST Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 21:30 LAIDLEY ST \ ROANOKE ST Vehicle, Stolen, Truck 2024/01/05 03:00 SURREY ST \ DIAMOND ST […]
District 8 cleanup: Two great opportunities to beautify our neighborhoods
In a program called “Love Our City,” every month San Francisco Public Works sponsors neighborhood cleanups in one supervisorial district. Volunteers help keep San Francisco beautiful through landscaping and gardening projects, graffiti removal and litter cleanup. And Saturday, February 10 is our turn! There are two great projects to choose from. What to Expect The […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party || February 3rd
Please put Saturday February 3 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The start of February marks the beginning of the end of winter when the Greenway turns the corner towards springtime. Every creature senses the days becoming longer and many of the plants start a heroic growth spurt. This, of course, becomes a […]
Need earthquake retrofit for your home? See if you qualify for Earthquake Brace + Bolt
Online registration for Earthquake Brace & Bolt (EBB) is now open, and it will remain open through February 21, 2024. Complete details on the EBB program can be found on their website. Earthquake Brace + Bolt provides grants up to $3,000 toward a seismic retrofit for qualifying homes. The program is now available in 815 […]
Shelter animals *say* thank you for the towels–food donations now being welcomed
Good afternoon everyone, Our Officer of the Month, Officer Johnny Vong, has done a tremendous job managing the Ingleside Towel Drive for San Francisco Animal Care and Control (S.F.A.C.C.), and he made yet another delivery of towels this week. S.F.A.C.C. informed us that because of the overwhelming and generous response from those in our community, […]
Glen Park Association announces grants program
The Glen Park Association is happy to announce that we will be awarding $5,000 in grants this year! The maximum for any one project is $1,500. The deadline to submit applications for beneficial neighborhood projects is February 29. Grantees will be announced at the end of April. Further details and an application form can […]