Supervisor Wiener’s Next Quarterly Meeting Saturday, Sept. 6, 4:00 pm Supervisor Wiener’s Next Quarterly Meeting for Glen Park and Diamond Heights, Saturday, Sept. 6, 4:00 pm at St. Aidan’s Church, Upper Level Join Supervisor Scott Wiener for his presentation on neighborhood and City issues. This is an opportunity to discuss concerns directly with the Supervisor. […]
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Update on City efforts to slow traffic on San Jose Avenue
Dear Neighbors Thank you for your continued interest in the SFMTA’s work to reduce speeds and improve safety on San Jose Avenue. Below is an update on the Northbound San Jose Avenue & I-280 Off-Ramp Road Diet Pilot Project which has been in the ground for almost three months. The first official evaluation period for […]
Sup. Wiener’s meeting Sept. 6, Diamond Heights fair Sept. 13
Supervisor Wiener’s Next Quarterly Meeting for Glen Park and Diamond Heights, Saturday, Sept. 6, 4:00 pm at St. Aidan’s Church, Upper Level Join Supervisor Scott Wiener for his presentation on neighborhood and City issues. This is an opportunity to discuss concerns directly with the Supervisor. For more information, call the Supervisor’s office at 415-554-6968. Diamond Heights […]
Crime Report Aug. 5 – 17, 2014
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, August 6th, 20144:30pm Unit Blk Surrey Burglary Thursday, August 7th, 20148:12am Chenery/Mateo Traffic Collision Friday, August 8th, 20142:00am 100 Blk Baden Burglary2:30pm 1000 Blk Bosworth Theft Saturday, August 9th, 201412:50am Bosworth/Diamond Battery Sunday, August 10th, 2014Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, August 11th, 2014Nothing […]
Glen Park crime report July 20 – Aug. 4, 2014
Sunday, July 20th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, July 21st, 2014 3:03am 2800 Blk Diamond Burglary Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 5:00pm Unit Blk Arlington Burglary 6:00pm Unit Blk Sussex Burglary Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, July 24th, 2014 8:47am 400 Blk Arlington Recovered Vehicle 6:00pm Berkeley/Diamond […]
Donate to help replace the stolen iPads at Glen Park Elementary
On Thursday afternoon, Glen Park Elementary had an open house for incoming parents, so the doors were open and parents were wandering the halls while teachers set up their classrooms, says Glen Park Elementary Parent Teacher Organization president Jennifer Tuerk. The school had just received a donation of 20 iPads for its third graders, which had been delivered earlier […]
18 new iPads stolen from Glen Park Elementary
From our friends at Mission Local: By Andrea Valencia Posted August 15, 2014 4:13 pm In anticipation of the beginning of the school year on Monday, teachers at Glen Park Elementary were getting ready to give students a surprise: 18 brand new iPads. The devices had been recently donated by another teacher. The unveiling on […]
Tennis courts at Glen Canyon Park to be resurfaced
This has been a contentious issue, with some in the neighborhood feeling the courts are not correct and should be fixed, while others think it’s a waste of money and that the courts are fine as they are. It appears that Rec and Park is going to re-grade them. Here’s their email: ==== Hi […]
New Chinese restaurant opening in China House space on Friday
By Gail Bensinger Win Garden, Glen Park’s newest restaurant, will open Friday in the Diamond Street location recently vacated by China House. It will be open daily for lunch and dinner, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Shiliang Guan and Spring Huang, the new owners, have put together a large menu featuring a selection of […]
SF Mime Troupe Comes to Glen Park
Check out this year’s SF Mime Troupe show “Ripple Effect” in Glen Canyon park this Saturday, Aug. 16. The free show (donations encouraged) starts at 2 p.m., with live music starting earlier at 1:30 p.m. Here’s the blurb about the show from their webpage: Skyrocketing rents. Loss of diversity. Certain workers welcomed like saviors, while other […]