In addition to his great works for the city of San Francisco, Cecil Williams was a decades-long resident of Hiliritas Avenue in Glen Park. Upon his death last month The San Francisco Chronicle published this extensive obituary detailing a most extraordinary life. His memorial was held on May 12, also written up in the […]
Previous Posts
And just like that it’s May! I’m a little late getting this information out as I’ve been quite busy. Things are really heating up in the housing market with short periods of cooling off whenever the rates jump back up again. Everyone was talking about how the rates were going to continue to go down […]
May 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy May to you and everyone in the Ingleside Station Community! Summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to it. However, it’s not all fun and games. Summer brings the law enforcement community some different challenges. Summer is the time when many of us go on vacation, leaving our homes unattended. […]
Bird & Beckett Turns 25!
Celebrating 25 Years A quarter-century ago, in May 1999, Bird & Beckett Books flung its doors open with reckless abandon, and somehow, some way, we’ve kept those doors open ever since. We’ll keep them open come hell or high water. But like Slim said to Steve in To Have and Have Not, it’s better when you […]
Noe Valley Garden Tour Saturday, May 18
Mark your calendars for this year’s Noe Valley Garden Tour, which is on Saturday, May 18th. The Garden committee has finalized the gardens to be included on the Tour and you will be amazed at what the massive El Nino winter rains have done for gardens this year. Come be inspired! Featured gardens will showcase a […]
Glen Park – April 2024 Incidents
Incident Time Intersection Incident Description 2024/04/01 11:24 ARBOR ST \ HILIRITAS AVE Vehicle, Recovered, Auto 2024/04/02 06:30 SUSSEX ST \ BEMIS ST \ CASTRO ST Warrant Arrest, Local SF Warrant 06:30 SUSSEX ST \ BEMIS ST \ CASTRO ST Malicious Mischief, Breaking Windows 18:00 CHENERY ST \ 30TH ST Theft, From Building, <$50 19:45 LAIDLEY […]
GP Trash Cleanup Turns Two!
One trampoline, 643 bags of trash, one firehose and a commode. Such is the fruit of two years of monthly cleanups organized by the Glen Park Merchants Association and the Glen Park Association. What started as a fun and productive way for neighbors to bond at a safe pandemic-influenced distance has become a regular smoothly […]
CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY–May 18th Open House, Hawaiian Visitors and Much More
May is so chock-full of fun events we couldn’t possibly fit all the fun and learning in one website update. To help plan your month, we recommend you stop by the library to say “hi” and pick up a printed events pamphlet or check out this selection of standouts from our newsletter. Never miss another […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party – Saturday, May 4
Our May Work Party is just over one week away. I expect that your plans for that week-end are coming into focus now. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to say that you will join us. Please and tell me that you’ll be there too. We’ll meet at 9am on Saturday […]
Arlington Path/Bernal Cut Newsletter
Join the California Native Plant Society on its tour of our fabulous Arlington Path Sunday, April 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. More details in the newsletter. Click the image to read.